Going with the Grain?
21st September 2016

For The Love Of Veg


Visiting School Farm on their open days and volunteering days is always a heart-warming experience, come rain or shine.

T here’s always a friendly face to make you feel like a part of the farm community and plenty of farm jobs to get stuck into which really helps to understand what really goes into growing such a variety of veg.

School Farm love to grow veg for their members because it's fresher, it supports local livelihoods, it helps to shape and protect our landscape, it means you know where your food is coming from. It also helps to keep social connections alive, and the landscape and local economy alive!


Come and chat to them at the Forking Local Food Festival

Find out more about their ‘no dig’ growing methods, how to become a member, and about their horticulture courses, volunteering, traineeships and more.

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