Going with the Grain?
21st September 2016
Totnes Food Shed Launches!
16th May 2017

Competition Time!


For all you creative dessert makers, we're setting a special local food competition for the Forking Local Food Festival.

C ake or dessert made with minimum 75% local ingredients. That is ingredients that have been produced within 30 miles of Totnes. So that means flour and sugar are out unless in very small quantities.

Example of ingredients that can be sourced locally and seasonally: Eggs, Butter, Cream, Milk, Honey, Apples, Pear, Blackberries, Carrots, Beetroot, Mint, Lavender, Rosemary


Should you wish to be particularly cunning, Dartington Dairy will be at the festival selling their scrumptious goat ice-cream...)

Bring your sweet creation to the to the festival's herbal tea stall on Vire Island along with a list on the ingredients. We'll be judging (& scoffing) around 3.30pm so dishes will need to be ok not refrigerated for an hour or two.

There will be a prize for the winner and runners up will receive a warm glow of satisfaction and a big thank you from the festival team.

Pledge Now